Jun 28Liked by Andee Scarantino

Your letter is a beautiful and poetic reflection of a surreal experience. Your vivid descriptions transported me into your world, where rhythm and reality intertwine. The imagery of summer, youth, and the transient moments of connection are captivating.

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Thanks, Jon. It felt like it should be a letter. ✨ A mesh of my notes after the time, the experience. A letter I started writing but then paused. I used to write to someone who isn’t here any longer. He’s not dead— just not here. Strange how our worlds can be so elastic. I wonder, though, if that’s so others can share with me what I’ve often been so selfish as to keep hidden. Thanks for receiving my words about the moment, and sharing it with me 🙏🏻

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Jun 28Liked by Andee Scarantino

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

Beauty and grace are sisters. Or two cats. Or Andee and Andrea.


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I love you ❤️ Thanks for noticing them 🐱

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Jun 28Liked by Andee Scarantino

I hear the words “enjoy the power and beauty of your youth” and “everything is in a rhythm” and I immediately think about something I strive to emulate on a daily basis.

To enjoy the season of life that I am in as much as I possibly can. Fully experience the depth, richness, and zestfulness that is right in front of me and within me, because it’s always here.

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Always right here ✨

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