Jun 20Liked by Andee Scarantino

If you feel I'm not seeing you, I can, you know. Not a capacity issue (I hope), a translucence practice.


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Jun 20Liked by Andee Scarantino

You are an extraordinary human being Andee, full and empty of life, up and down, in and out. So many hard knocks, and mountains of joy. Wisdom by the lorry load and at the same time, managing to fuck it all up and still stand up and carry on. I love all of this about you. Real, open, honest, vulnerable. Thank you for showing up.

My variant of "I see you", which I love, by the way, is to point the finger at them through the screen, and say, "There you are".

There is also something simply magical about being seen, being witnessed, at our worst, and not judged, not questioned, (apart from maybe, "What do you need?), no words needed, but to be in the muck with me, an arm on the shoulder, and a nod, a smile, that says, I am here as long as you need me to be.

Love and blessings, Colin

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Thank you, Colin. Your words touch me.

I have always felt seen by you, my friend. Maybe our shared journey of taking the role of "the listener" has something to do with it. I always know that you'll be open, not judging, not fixing. I love you for it.

I was nice to actually "see" you today. It has been too long.

Thanks again for your love. ❤️

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Andee Scarantino

Thank you too Andee.

Yes, travelling the listening road makes our talking and connecting easier than with someone who does not get it. It happened to me recently, I shared an experience I had had the day before and their response was to start talking about themselves.

Thank you, as always, for seeing me.

Blessings, Colin

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Jun 20Liked by Andee Scarantino

I usually read your posts twice. (The first time I "feel" it, the second time I process it for the "pearls.")

I can't wait to see where the new path leads for Day 1.

I know, without a doubt, that I want to be a part of it.

And, btw? Exceptional writing as always, my friend. You had me at "I See You..."

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Awww Lori I love you. I am grateful for you and all you are. You helped co-create the magic that was Day 1. and I'm thrilled you'll consider coming back. Thank you for this comment, and for being <3

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Jun 20Liked by Andee Scarantino

Hi Andee, I'm a newer connection via LinkedIn. The thoughts you've explored here about the power of being seen without judgment, I've found to be true in my own experience, as well. It can be very healing to feel fully seen and accepted by a tribe, even if only momentarily.

While reading what you shared, I wondered about why it may be more difficult for us to find that with our friends and family. I wondered if it's because our friends and family are usually the people who reinforce our identity, and we do the same for them? So, when we're sharing a huge transformation outside of their experience of us, or something that makes us seem more vulnerable, I wonder if the judgments kick in as a natural reflex - not to control us, specifically, but to control the reflection and identity that we represent/create for them? I'm not saying it's the best way to see and receive others, but it seems to be how many of us are groomed.

Connection without attachments seems rare to find.

I think you absolutely should charge for your facilitation and coaching services. I've seen some other practitioners here, locally, offer a suggested price but accept value exchanges above the suggestion. If you want to open the experience up to others who can'tafford it without carrying all the financial burden yourself, perhaps you could give other attendees the option to gift or partial-gift the fee for another to attend.

Just some thoughts. I'm all for the work you're doing!

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Hi Audrey! Good to see you here! I appreciate your wonderful words and comment.

Connection without attachment- very rare to find.

Family I think falls into the category, much like you said, that wants to uphold our identity because if we change, who would *they* be? Ram Dass so eloquently said "if you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family." Mine remains some of my greatest work, still. I think that's how the oldest soul contracts go.

As for charging for Day 1. - I did, in the past. It was much more rigorous and had a daily component to it that was mandatory, and a weekly call. We tore into some big stuff. So it had a higher price point. This time I think it will be more of a community than a program- so I'm just toying around with what that would look like. I actually still pay for the space that has existed unused for a year, so I don't lose anything. It's more about creating something where people don't abuse it. Also a friend of mine wrote elsewhere, free spaces can sometimes have people who are "transient rather than invested... " Which works for some things (groups about creating income, etc) but don't work well when you're unearthing your deepest ...shit.

I want this space to be co-created so everything everyone says will help build it to be the most useful it can be.

Your words matter! I appreciate you sharing them with me. Thank you <3

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Here's the thing: I could yammer about 'I see you' and yadda yadda, but I'm not about to cheapen this with such presumption. Do I 'read' you? Yes, indeed. Do I understand that you contain multitudes? Boy, howdy! About your coaching effort, here's something I read recently that made a shit-ton of sense to me. In the vetting process for clients, YOU are the customer, not them. When we stop chasing them, and have them chase us for the value we can bring — when they 'see' us, and can't wait to learn from us (you) — we get a much better quality of client. Your thoughts?

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Byron, I haven't "chased" a client in a long time. I am simply a lighthouse. Those who come, come

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Good for you, we're ready to find that spot, become that lighthouse.

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