Sep 19Liked by Andee Scarantino

I just adore you and your writing, so good 🤗

The choice that’s coming up for me is something you and I have talked about, which is accepting ALL parts of me instead of looking upon certain parts with shame.

I’ve been engaging in this since we met and it has made such a difference, but I bring it up here as a way to continue making the choice (because it’s still newish to me).

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I love your choice, and that you shared it here, Cole.

With time and practice, it'll be your new constant. Until then, your higher self will guide you. <3

Thanks for your love always

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This is soooooo good!

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🙏🏻❤️✨Thank you, Townsend

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Sep 19Liked by Andee Scarantino

I was just telling someone about the other day about you and your phrase 'manual override!' Because I used it to kick into high gear on Tuesday night so I could get some things done....And, of course it worked! I will be relying on it heavily in the few weeks as well...big changes coming up!

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Good stuff, my friend! Manual override all the way.

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Sep 19Liked by Andee Scarantino

This piece is a refreshing and honest take on personal transformation. Your experience with coaching illuminates the value of support and guidance during a journey of change. Great piece, as always.

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Thanks so much, Jon. I couldn't do it without coaching and guidance- even now. I hate to ask for help and I'm one of those people who rarely "needs it." And yet, I can't create powerfully without it. My ego hates that part but... we are for each other. ✨

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This is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing.

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❤️🙏🏻✨ Thanks Dean

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Sep 19Liked by Andee Scarantino

Like Cole said in the previous comment- love your writing, so good

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You are too kind. 🙏🏻 Thanks Tim

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Beyond powerful. Thanks for sharing. What came up for me is The Work from Byron Katie and the turnaround, where you slow down to see how the opposite of a thought is just as true. I spent a year in a program as a peer with Andy - he is amazing. I love how you create him. Today I choose to come from whole and complete, instead of as a place to get to. A context that re-contextualizes all of life. Nothing is changed, and everything is different.

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I love the way you write, Trevor. It rings true for me about "playing with words." Even when you say about Andy "I love how you create him." That feeeeeels different than "how you talk about him."

I love that part of "The Work." Also, too, the choice to come from whole and complete. Sometimes I remember that with my intellect, but not so much beyond it.

Tao #22 says "if you want to become whole, let yourself be partial." I don't know how that fits, but I was reminded of it. ✨

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Ok, three things that struck home: 1) "Change requires an injury to your ego" (YES!!!! So hard, but so needed!) 2) "To create a different life, you MUST make a different choice" - just this week I was listening in on a Masterclass and the host said to DSD - do something different and it never occurred to me how needed that is! Such a simple concept that's incredibly life-changing. And 3) That has to be one of my FAVORITE Seinfeld episodes! ❤️ Such a good post!

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BOOM! LOVE the takeaways 👏🏻

#2 - I call it "the manual override."

It's like "pause, OK, I normally go left and I get this result. So... Knowing that, what does "right" look like?

🙏🏻 thanks for this comment! So glad the post resonated!

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Sep 19Liked by Andee Scarantino

First thing I thought of is that I have to stop wishing things were different. I am working on acceptance. Don't know how to really - just asking for it and being aware.

Your story is a powerful one.

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I love that awareness. Maybe instead of wishing they're different, you can commit to creating them differently :)

If I could ever be of service, my friend, let me know. ❤️

This is to be taken jovially, by the way, but I had a friend in high school- a curmudgeon (we both were) and he used to say "wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up faster."

I don't know if it's funny without seeing his scrunched up face saying it, but I think about that line a lot. 🤣

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Sep 19Liked by Andee Scarantino

I like that line too. There's a reason it's been around so long.

You are "of service" and an inspiration. I'm thankful you are in my corner.

Creating the life I want - that's the ultimate.

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