The perfect response for those who claim to see no proof of evolution. Would that they could recognize it. But societies evolve much, much slower than individuals. Kudos on another remarkable piece, Andee.

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Thank you, my friend ❤️

Another friend of mine texted me about this and he said: "Reminds me of the classic Back to the Future line, "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it"

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Jul 1Liked by Andee Scarantino

Thanks for your engaging and introspective reflections on polyamory. Your candid exploration of love beyond societal constraints is refreshing. I like your writing, where you challenge conventional norms with authenticity and openness and offer valuable insights into the complexities of modern relationships.

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I forgot to respond to you yesterday! I'm grateful for you writing this, Jon. I especially appreciate the use of "refreshing" as sometimes I think I drone on about the same shit too often.

Throughout my life I have felt a conventional life rallies against my natural equilibrium. And that of many, TBH. It took a global pandemic to realize that dragging people through traffic to sit in flourescent-lit offices for 40 hours a week was not only unnecessary but in some ways hindered productivity... I'll even say inhumane in some ways.

Of course, there's a reverse argument to that too... we are social creatures, etc. But I think the standardization is a problem, and the mainstream "way" is a problem.

Marriage leads to "children," often, and "children" are a good thing for capitalism. Keep people scared and working.

Maybe it's because I don't have embedded shame from religion. Maybe I was born free. Who knows? I don't think my way is the "right" way but I've lived in this body long enough and heard enough stories of enough people from all over this earth to know... I'm not alone in thinking we could be doing it differently, better, more freely, more peacefully...

And love... I know love.

</hot air> <3

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