9 hrs agoLiked by Andee Scarantino

Institutions are a top of mind topic for me. Many people define themselves by the institutions (groups, companies, family, etc) they attach themselves to. But they can be constraining too.

I want to be known for my name only, my individuality, not for the institutions I at times participate in.

I also don’t want to outsource my power to institutions. Like what can I do to change the situation, instead of waiting for an institution to handle it. To be a force of nature as an individual, on par with or greater than the institution.

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Love. Love love.

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Oct 8Liked by Andee Scarantino

Your 'visiting' comment reminded me of a song by the late Larry Norman, Readers Digest. Here's a portion.

And everybody has to choose whether they will win or lose

Follow God or sing the blues, and who they're gonna sin with

What a mess the world is in, I wonder who began it

Don't ask me, I'm only visiting this planet.

...This world is not my home. I'm just...passing...through.

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Mmmm that’s it right there

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I receive this. ❤️

Sometimes I think Love as basis became supplanted by Fear -- which took on all the different faces it could to disguise itself. Power. Jealousy. Greed. Control. All of those and others because of Fear. Of what? Losing Love, which is all-encompassing? How can that be lost? (I'm getting very Course in Miracles here. Sorry.) You do remind me, though, when I don't know what I'm doing, I can always remember who I am.

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✨✨ it’s so true

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In this world but not of this world!

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!! I say that to people all the time. 💫

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Oct 5Liked by Andee Scarantino

An evocative and introspective read. Your honesty about feeling like a "visitor" to society's norms struck a chord. The way you paint scenes, like the café’s "worn, wood floors," is vivid and grounding. This article is a powerful call to re-evaluate the systems around us and reconnect with our human essence.

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All I want to do, my friend. Love to you always. <3

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“System, system

Everywhere a system

Blockin' out the scenery

Breakin' my mind

Do this, don't do that

Can't you read the system?”

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I heard the music! 🥰

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The term “third space” is somewhat new to me, but I’m feeling like this co-working space I joined recently aligns with what you share because there is no corporate feel and we all just show up as ourselves and engage in the moment that is for what it is.

Many of us may never fully learn one another’s life stories, but we are sharing collective energy that I am finding really beautiful.

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That sounds way cool, Cole.

A working space is called the "second space." Home is our "first space." I wonder how co-working spaces may change this theory as they can be random.

From Wiki- "In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place").


I learned about spaces/places in undergrad. It was a journalism class, and we had an assignment to essentially go eavesdrop in second and third spaces and report back our findings. One of my fav assignments.

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That’s really interesting! It’s cool just observing life in varying scenarios :)

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